Grace Smoketree - Cotinus coggygnia x obovatus 'Grace'

Grace Smoketree

Zone 4 Ht. 20' Purplish-pink cluster of flowers, smoke-like appearance. Foliage is gold, yellow, scarlet, and purple in the fall.
  Up One Level
A minimum order quanity is required for each item.
Min. Quanity Grade/Age Size No. Per Bundle Bundle + Fifty + Hundred + 5 Hundred + 25 Hundred +  
5 Transplant 2 Yr. 18" Br. Tr. 5 16.00 8.00
5 Transplant 2 Yr. 2' Br. 5 18.00 9.00
5 Transplant 2 Yr. 3' Br. 5 21.00 10.50