Silky Willow - Salix sericea 'Marshall'

Silky Willow

Zones 4-8 Ht. 6-12' Grows in swamps and along rivers in eastern United States. Leaves are dark green and hairy on top and covered with silky white hairs underneath. Blooms in May, fruits in June.
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A minimum order quanity is required for each item.
Min. Quanity Grade/Age Size No. Per Bundle Bundle + Fifty + Hundred + 5 Hundred + 25 Hundred +  
25 Live Stake Unrooted 2 Yr. 3' 1/2" cal. & up 25 5.25 2.50 2.25 2.00
25 Live Stake Unrooted 2 Yr. 10" 3/8" cal. 25 1.80 0.65 0.63 0.60
25 Live Stake Unrooted 2 Yr. 2' 1/2" cal. & up 25 3.75 1.50 1.30 1.15